• Ergonomic design. p. Liftronic ® Air is the latest technology and has no direct competition on market!! Latest generation industrial manipulators of the INDEVA ® family. BG / C. The INDEVA Lean System®. A. LIFTRONIC with column and Orbit-arm: tab. Liftronic Easy E160R. The movements are smooth when the luggage is first detached from its holder and when changing direction vertically. A. Liftronic ® Air is an INDEVA manipulator suitable for handling offset loads. Charlotte, NC, USA. LIFTRONIC Technicsl specifications Structure “C” (column) File created on 14/12/2013 Updated 01/02/2014 LIFTRONIC with column and Orbit-arm: tab. INDEVA® Modulo. This document is property of Scaglia INDEVA S. All grippers are endowed of safety devices and are designed according. com Litronic Easy-6 The Human Arm Extension ® Trouble Free cables Open the catalog to page 1. indevagroup. INDEVA satisfy the growing demand or higher productivity combined with safety & ergonomics in Manual load handling. Italy LIFTRONIC Standard Toolings Updated 06/03/2008 SCH152A-EN. Indeva GroupManipulator for reels of paper and plastic Photo 5232-5233 -MODEL: Liftronic L160R - Gripping Tooling type: by expanding chuck - Load to handle: reels weighing up to 139 kg - Work cycle: the reels in vertical position have to be picked from a pallet at 1800 mm height; 90° rotation and release onto the machine pin at 2000 mm. Models are available from 80 to 320 kg capacity, including the end effector. A South African company needs to handle aluminium profiles for overhead rail systems. Discover all the case histories made by Scaglia INDEVA, for 40 years we have developed solutions that ensure productivity, safety and ergonomics in the workplace. indevagroup. Challenge. Fast up to 0,6m/sec. The Intelligent Lift Assist Devices INDEVA Liftronic Manipulators are the state-of-the-art solution for handling parts in a modern industry where productivity combined with safety and ergonomics are primary requirements. The Intelligent Lift Assist Devices INDEVA Liftronic Manipulators are the state-of-the-art solution for handling parts in a modern industry where productivity combined with safety and ergonomics are primary requirements. Telephone: 01246 252 333. An INDEVA ® compact pantograph chuck complete with an expanding chuck can be used for handling tire rims, reels, tires, engine blocks etc…. Box INDEVA Gateway fixed to Liftronic Easy / Box App INDEVA fixed to Liftronic Easy CUSTOMER WI-FI . a. Via Marconi, 42 24012 Val Brembilla (BG) Italy Tel. F. com R. ; any partial or full reproduction without writtten authorization by the owner is prohibited. It can be applied to the standard tool head of the Liftronic ® Easy industrial manipulator and by means of a quick coupling device can be quickly and easily replaced at any time with standard hook or another standard. Liftronic Easy E160R. The load doesn’t suffer any impact when positioned. IVA IT03146130160Scaglia Indeva Subsidiary. Liftronic Easy E125C. Simple electrical and pneumatic connections USB-PC connectivity For easier communication with the manipulator via a PC. A. The most versatile Lift Assist Device in the world. This is how manual handling of large boxes or any other bulky/heavy load is when using an INDEVA®. Designed to be safely and easily mounted on an electric pallet truck. Liftronic ® Pro version Column + Arm is available in different configurations depending from the max load capacity, arm length and column height required for each application. Motor Vehicle Industry. In the Motor Vehicle Industry, the top manufacturers have found that working with Indeva guarantees a high standard of safety because movement is only permitted if activated by the operator. Please contact us to find out more. The models. Scaglia Indeva . Complex work cycles are integrated in many. It is used with mechanic lifting tools (hooks, pantograph chucks, jaws, clamps, etc…), Liftronic® EASY features an advanced pre-programmed. Other customer machines REMOTE TROUBLE SHOOTING An INDEVA® can be connected. The Company is proud to present the INDEVA® Liftronic® Easy 05, the most cutting edge industrial manipulator in the world. Liftronic Easy E125C Liftronic® EASY belongs to the Liftronic® series of intelligent industrial manipulators; designed for simple applications and non-complex and rapid work cycles. . Thanks to the self balancing zero gravity lifting technology, handling items of different weights can be done without any interruptions. Our Liftronic Easy with an advanced electronic control system will help reduce operator fatigue, avoid injury and increase productivity. 1 - 11/01/2019 - 5CADP143 Scaglia INDEVA Italy Scaglia INDEVAScaglia Indeva has got hundreds customers that chose INDEVA manipulators due to their cutting edge technology and safety than traditional lifting systems. indevagroup. LIFTRONIC® - COLUMN+ARM LIFTRONIC® WITH COLUMN & ORBIT-ARM MODEL EXAMPLES L80CL L125CH L160CH L240CX L320CX Column size Light Heavy Heavy Extra Extra Gross load cap. • Auto-weight sense and auto-balancing. It can be applied to different supports such as column. This series is equipped with an advanced electronic control. Liftronic® Pro can be supplied with an articulated arm fixed to the ceiling or to overhead rails. LIFTRONIC ® EASY END EFFECTORS APPLICATION BOOKLET Lifronic® Easy is our standard model of the INDEVA® family intelligent devices for handling The new features of the Version 6 compared to the previous one provide advantages mainly referred to: Increased MODULARITY for EASIER MAINTENANCE and AUGMENTED USE VERSATILITY - On top of the head there are electrical and pneumatic connections, so repl. Exchanging grippers is easy and quick thanks to a quick coupling device. The IN telligent DEV ices for h A ndling (INDEVAs) are a new generation of advanced industrial. United Kingdom. The Linear Pantograph can be completed with jaws of different sizes to suit various types of loads such asThe INDEVA® Industrial Manipulators Liftronic® Easy Series can be equipped with a gripping tool quick coupling device by means of which it is possible to change quickly and easily different end-effectors and handle different types of loads with only a 15 seconds work interruption. INDEVA Inc Charlotte, NC, USA Liftronic Easy E80C Liftronic® EASY belongs to the Liftronic® series of intelligent industrial manipulators; designed for simple applications and non-complex and rapid work cycles. In this case it is equipped with jaws for cardboard boxes. High precision in load placing. Liftronic® EASY belongs to the Liftronic® series of intelligent industrial manipulators; designed for simple applications and non-complex and rapid work cycles. Modular Structures;. It is used with mechanic lifting tools (hooks, pantograph chucks, jaws, clamps, etc…), Liftronic® EASY features an. Our Liftronic Easy with an advanced electronic control system will help reduce operator fatigue, avoid injury and increase productivity. The Intelligent Lift Assist Devices INDEVA Liftronic Manipulators are the state-of-the-art solution for handling parts in a modern industry where productivity combined with safety and ergonomics are primary requirements. Pouze standardní zásuvka nástroje vztahující se pod citlivým rukojetí. Pouze standardní zásuvka nástroje vztahující se pod citlivým rukojetí. Scaglia INDEVA®’s continuous improvement policy extending back over 40 years has introduced many changes. 1 / 6 Pages Catalog excerpts L® INDCv' INTELLIGENT DEVICES FOR HANDLING indeva® state of the art materials handling technology Open the catalog to page 1 The INDEVA® lifting systems are the state of the art technology for manual load handling systems, and are an evolution of the industrial manipulators. A famous Italian company installed a new line with female employees in charge of loading the machines with reels and needed a manipulator capable of lifting paper rolls of 130 kg. In the Motor Vehicle Industry, the top manufacturers have found that working with Indeva guarantees a high standard of safety because movement is only permitted if activated by the operator. Find out all of the information about the Scaglia Indeva product: manipulator with electronic control Liftronic®Easy series. A quick coupling system allows quick and easy exchange of standard lifting tools to be applied under the manipulator tool head. +44 1246 25 23 33. Rychlospojka zařízení umožňuje rychlou a snadnou výměnu. Das Handlingsystem Liftronic ® EASY ist ein intelligentes, für einfache Anwendungen mit mechanisch betätigten Lastaufnahmemitteln entwickeltes Handhabungsgerät. EASY. This is why Airbus Hélicoptère chose the INDEVA Manipulators. . The INDEVA ®, in. Photo MODEL: Liftronic L160S ceiling mounted wit articulated arm - Gripping tooling type: gripping by vacuum - Load to handle: film reels with external diameter ranging from 190 mm to 400 mm - Work cycle: The reel has to be picked from vertical position at about 1m height and released unto the. A. Quick and easy installation by specialised INDEVA technicians. One lift assist device available for different work stations. If batteries are low, the system allows. indevagroup. Manuals DE. 1. Focus on. Our Liftronic Easy with an advanced electronic control system will help reduce operator fatigue, avoid injury and increase productivity. PNEUMATIC Range Pneumatic ERGO. It is delivered complete with a custom designed gripping tool. Lze jej upevnit na podlahu nebo na pohyblivé základové plošině. . In 2020 they open a tender for the supply of a lifting device for the above-mentioned operation and they chose the INDEVA Liftronic Easy among other providers solutions. LIFTRONIC® AIR – Handling Offset loads. Doing the right thing is simple with an Indeva, it’s called a Liftronic Easy. Contact a supplier or the parent company directly to get a quote or to find out a price or your closest point of sale. INDEVA® Liftronic® Pro with custom gripping tool for handling long reels and rolls. Manual material handling (MMH) work contributes to a large percentage of musculoskeletal disorders reported annually in Europe and in the United States. Pneumatic manipulator for handling. The Intelligent Lift Assist Devices INDEVA Liftronic Manipulators are the state-of-the-art solution for handling parts in a modern industry where productivity combined with safety and ergonomics are primary requirements. p. 0" andScaglia INDEVA® wish to introduce to you its latest generation of Liftronic® Easy: Liftronic® Easy-6. Via Marconi, 42 24012 Val Brembilla (BG) Italy Tel. Speed and productivity: thanks to the electronic control and auto-balancing, using an INDEVA® balancer doesn’t require setting. 0 ready" asset: "Devices for humanmachine interaction and for improving the ergonomics and safety of the - workplace in logic 4. 80m Main features • Auto-weight sense and auto-balancing • Can be integrated with App-Indeva andLiftronic® Easy Sloupek + kloubové Rameno je nejmodernější pomůcka pro zvedání, která splňuje všechny směrnice o Ergonomii a bezpečnosti. [email protected]. PDF Catalog Info Scaglia Indeva Ltd - Intelligent Devices for Handling (EN) Created by Anonymous - February 19, 2018 - Category: Mechanical & Electrical » Handling Technique - Tags: #Pneumatic #lifting #Handling #load #move #electric control #Scaglia Indeva This document is property of Scaglia INDEVA SpA any partial or full reproduction without writtten authorization by the owner is prohibited LIFTRONIC® EASY END EFFECTORS… Motor Vehicle Industry. The Intelligent Lift Assist Devices INDEVA Liftronic Manipulators are the state-of-the-art solution for handling parts in a modern industry where productivity combined with safety and ergonomics are primary requirements. (+39) 0345 59 411 [email protected]. [email protected]. Its electronic control allows for real time responsiveness. INDEVA ® Compact Pantograph is a standard end effector, a load gripper designed for the Liftronic ® Easy manipulators. • Fast, responsive and precise. This document is property of INDEVA S. The part number (code) of the item that you need. A. Liftronic® Easy INDEVA® Gripping tools TECHNICAL DATA Max. indevagroup. 03146130160 P. • Simple gripping devices. A. Light only 40kgs allows easy & quick installation on overhead structures. Manipolatore industriale a controllo elettronico per la movimentazione sicura, ergonomica, veloce e precisa di manufatti in ambiente logistico o produttivo d. LIFTRONIC EASY compared with the pneumatic manipulator allows you: to handle the loads quicker. THE MOST EXTENSIVE RANGE OF INDUSTRIAL MANIPULATORS. Anonymous -'s PDF Catalogs. Scaglia INDEVA®, after a careful study of the overall situation has delivered the ideal solution: an overhead rail aluminum structure held by anchoring groups along the whole length of the vertical automatic warehouse. Impr. Liftronic® Series (Electronic) PN Series (Pneumatic) Automatic Guided Vehicles (AGV) AGV Standard Models; AGV Custom Solutions; AGV Accessories and Options;. The product serial number. Scaglia INDEVA S. Motor Vehicle Industry. Liftronic® Pro can be supplied with an articulated arm fixed to the ceiling or to overhead rails. A quick coupling system allows to switch end effectors quickly and easily. ; any partial or full reproduction without writtten authorization by the owner is prohibited. Liftronic® Pro. It is used with mechanic lifting tools (hooks, pantograph chucks, jaws, clamps, etc…), Liftronic® EASY features an. Jos Poell Export Manager at Scaglia Indeva spa 2w Comparison of energie use of a. SCAGLIA INDEVA was the first company in the world to apply electronics to the. If you have problems to find it you can contact us. The Indeva model name. • Unparalleled safety. com +39 0345 59411. Sunroofs. Liftronic® EASY belongs to the Liftronic® series of intelligent industrial manipulators; designed for simple applications and non-complex and rapid work cycles. p. A. It is used with mechanic lifting tools (hooks, pantograph chucks, jaws, clamps, etc…), Liftronic® EASY features an advanced pre-programmed. Výrobek Liftronic® EASY je součástí řady inteligentních průmyslových manipulátorů INDEVA® Liftronic ®. Das Handlingsystem Liftronic ® EASY ist ein intelligentes, für einfache Anwendungen mit mechanisch betätigten Lastaufnahmemitteln entwickeltes Handhabungsgerät. com R. With an INDEVA ® Liftronic ® it is possible to pick up and lift one or more pallets. p. Therefore, it is an excellent option for companies in all industries that want to speed up. The Intelligent Lift Assist Devices INDEVA Liftronic Manipulators are the state-of-the-art solution for handling parts in a modern industry where productivity combined with safety and ergonomics are primary requirements. Manual load handling with such characteristics (load weight, high work frequency, vertical load moving, horizontal distance of the. T. 03146130160 P. The INDEVA® Liftronic® Easy series are industrial manipulators, designed for simple applications and mechanical gripping tools. LIFTRUCK® – Standard FORKLIFT with a Liftronic ® mounted. Scaglia. Box INDEVA® Gateway ixed to Liftronic® Easy PRODUCTION PLANNING CUSTOMER WI-FI Other customer machines Gateway. Lifronic® Easy is our standard model of the INDEVA® family intelligent devices for handling The new features of the Version 6 compared to the previous one provide advantages mainly referred to: Increased MODULARITY for EASIER MAINTENANCE and AUGMENTED USE VERSATILITY - On top of the head there are electrical and pneumatic connections, so. At Motek 2017, Scaglia INDEVA GmbH showed a Liftronic® Easy, Linear version for handling cases, with pick and release in offset position. . gross capacity: from 176 to 704lb (weight of lifting tool included) Power supply: 110/230 V-AC - 50/60 Hz Discover a world of applications with INDEVA Liftronic Easy, its universal tool head allows quick applications of different types of end effectors such as hooks, pantograph chucks, jaws,. Capacity from 80 to 320 kg. With all these enhancements the INDEVA® Litronic® Easy remains the most compact and user-friendly intelligent assist device in the market. The standard Lift Assist Device “Liftronic Easy” can be equipped with different grippers for handling a wide range of. Photo Gallery Liftronic ® Easy Overhead Rail: Main features. (overhead or column mounted) Liftronic ® Easy Výrobek Liftronic® EASY je součástí řady inteligentních průmyslových manipulátorů INDEVA® Liftronic ® Určena pouze pro jednoduché a rychlé časy cyklu a non-složitých aplikací. Liftronic® Easy; more info; PDF catalog; Liftronic® EASY belongs to the INDEVA® Liftronic® Series of intelligent industrial manipulators Designed for simple applications and non-complex. All lift assist equipments have a positive impact on ergonomic safety, nevertheless conventional ergonomic assist equipment (actuated by pressing buttons to. Liftronic ® Air is an INDEVA manipulator suitable for handling offset loads. I. Many car manufacturers, always looking for innovative systems, have decided to focus on INDEVA® systems. The INDEVA® Linear Pantograph is a standard gripping tool designed for the Liftronic® Easy manipulators. Photo Gallery Liftronic ® Mobile: Main features and Advantages of Liftronic Mobile. schnell und einfach am Liftronic ® EASY angebracht werden. Liftronic Easy is an intelligent assist device; it is electronically controlled and allows for accurate movements and precise load positioning. IVA IT03146130160INDEVA ® Scissor Pantograph is a standard gripping tool designed for standard industrial manipulator Liftronic ® Easy. T. • Bespoke gripping devices. . Ergonomic design. Contact: Mr. Easy to fix onto a pallet truck. The standard Lift Assist Device “Liftronic Easy” can be equipped with different grippers for handling a wide range of. Since 1970 Scaglia Indeva has been providing companies all over the world with both standard and customised solutions, at the cutting edge of technology for material handling and factory logistics, Intelligent and collaborative systems: electronically controlled industrial manipulators and automatically guided vehicles. p. BG 353315 Reg. Auto-weight sense and automatic load weight balancing. indevagroup. It is used with mechanic lifting tools (hooks, pantograph chucks, jaws, clamps, etc…), Liftronic® EASY features an advanced pre-programmed. With the INDEVA® Liftronic® Mobile manipulator you can easily and safely lift, move and position bags, containers, boxes, etc. The operations that had to be performed in a safe and ergonomic way for the operators were. This can be found on the use and maintenance manual that you received. . Handling plastic film. The standard Lift Assist Device “Liftronic Easy” can be equipped with different grippers for handling a wide range of load types, shapes and sizes. com Litronic Easy-6 The Human Arm Extension ® Trouble Free cables Liftronic® Easy-6, the newest in a long line of innovative industrial manipulator solutions for material handling Using cutting-edge technology and advanced electronics, Scaglia Indeva is at the forefront of innovative solutions for manual material handling.